Home Resource is proud to announce the return performance of Roxanne Fay. Roxanne has been a favorite at Home Resource, performing in the Life of Gala Dalia, A Piscaco, Lark Eden and two performances of Home Resource's - Shakespeare in the Park-ing Lot. .
The performances will be on August 17 & 18th starting at 7pm. Ticket price is $15 and the ticket proceeds go back to Roxanne.
Dream Child: The Trail of Alice in Wonderland was written by Roxanne. The inspiration behind this play was the shared fascination that Dali and Disney had with Alice. Roxanne wrote the play as part of the Disney/Dali exhibition in St. Pete and that is where the play premiered. "My play is a fiction that is based on fact- her life, her relationship to Lewis Carroll but told with a surrealist bent".
The play tells a new tale about the real Alice and the little girl that created an obsession in Lewis Carroll and inspiration for his masterpiece.
In 1932, Alice was preparing to attend the NYC/Columbia University centenary celebration of Lewis Carroll's birth. As she considers the speech she will be give at the ceremony, she begins to fret over the knowledge that she will be seeing the original manuscript that Lewis Carroll had given her when she was a 12 year old girl. As she writes and worries, she begins to hear accusatory voices from Wonderland asking that she explain herself for abandoning them. Her 80 year old mind moves between reality and surreality. She strives for pardon from old friends, hoping for the change to enter Wonderland one last time.
Reservations are required because of our limited seating. Tickets can be reserved by sending a request to mbush@homeresource.com
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